PA State Suicide Prevention Conference on May 10th & 11th

PA State Suicide Prevention Conference on May 10th & 11th

The Prevent Suicide PA website has the conference agenda and registration.

Conference agenda description:

Registration site:

Interested in becoming a Sponsor or Exhibitor please use the following link:

Suicide:  Signs, Stigma & Safety Nets

Suicide: Signs, Stigma & Safety Nets

The Task Force participated in “A Town Hall Program with a Panel of Local Experts”. Estimated attendees was approximately 100 – adult graduate students from several disciplines including: nursing (advanced practice); pastoral counseling; business & education.  Also, several Neumann administrators and faculty also attended.

Coordinated by the Delaware County Suicide Prevention & Awareness Task Force in conjunction with the Delaware County Medical Society and Faculty/Staff of Neumann University

Wednesday October 25, 2017 at Neumann University, Aston, PA

The focus was on addressing the stigma & myths about suicide; the prevalence of attempted & completed suicides in our community & warning signs; protective factors and “safety nets” & community based resources

Panel Included:

Fredrick N. Hellman, MD, MBA, Delaware County Medical Examiner

Teri Erbacher, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, School Psychologist, Delaware County Intermediate Unit

Tony Salvatore, MSW, Montgomery County Emergency Services, Suicide Loss Survivor

David A. McKeighan, MSW, Executive Director, Delaware County Medical Society