About the Task Force
The Delaware County Suicide Prevention Awareness Task Force (DCSPATF) functions to reduce the loss and suffering caused by suicide and suicidal behavior. The Delaware County Suicide Prevention Awareness Task Force is in the business of prevention, intervention, and post-intervention program implementation, facilitation, and promotion. The Delaware County Suicide Prevention Awareness Task Force offers information and education about, and assistance and support to, efforts to lessen the incidence of suicide and the stigma associated with suicide and suicide loss.
Suicide awareness is the prerequisite for effective suicide prevention. It is the starting point to doing something about suicide and suicide loss. It involves developing and disseminating clear information and do-able recommendations. The Task Force goal is increased awareness and concern about suicide as a preventable community problem. It will work towards this goal by using available informational and organizational resources where possible and facilitating the creation of new resources where necessary. The Task Force was established in 2002 by individuals from the county who had lost someone close to suicide and who felt that more should be done to spare others this tragedy and the stigma that accompanies it. In 2003 it was adopted by the Delaware County Medical Society, which had aided it since its inception. The Task Force exists to meet an unmet need. It will work to meet this need through collaboration and coalition-building. Its driving force is to be no longer needed. The Task Force is an all volunteer group. Membership, involvement, and participation is open to county residents, community groups, or others with a concern about suicide in Delaware County. The Task Force appreciates the assistance and support provided by the following organizations in its formation and operation:

Task Force Vision
To be an active coalition of residents, community groups, health care providers, schools and educators, elected officials, clergy, law enforcement and criminal justice agencies, unions, employers, and others working together to maintain community-wide awareness of suicide in Delaware County. A comprehensive, accessible, evidence-based system of suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and post-intervention services (for both those who attempt suicide and those left to mourn suicide victims) in Delaware County. To work toward eliminating ignorance about suicide, indifference towards those who become suicidal, and insensitivity towards those bereaved by a suicide.
Task Force Mission
The Delaware County Suicide Prevention Awareness Task Force functions to reduce the loss and suffering caused by suicide and suicidal behavior. The Delaware County Suicide Prevention Awareness Task Force is in the business of prevention, intervention, and post-intervention program implementation, facilitation, and promotion. The Delaware County Suicide Prevention Awareness Task Force offers information and education about, and assistance and support to, efforts to lessen the incidence of suicide and the stigma associated with suicide and suicide loss.
Task Force Objectives
Outcomes that we are working to achieve:
1) Increased understanding of the nature of suicide and suicidal behavior.
2) Increased recognition of the relationship of suicide to depression and other
illnesses, and to alcohol, drugs, and other substances.
3) Increased knowledge of the risk factors and warning signs of suicide and high risk groups.
4) Increased development and implementation of meaningful suicide prevention plans at the municipal and county levels, and by schools and other organizations serving at-risk individuals.
5) Increased capability to help and support suicidal individuals. Increased self-help for
suicidal individuals.
6) Increased availability and use of crisis intervention and mental health resources by suicidal individuals and those concerned about them.
7) Increased familiarity with the nature of suicide loss and the needs of those
bereaved by suicide.
DCSPATF Pamphlet

DCSPATF Action Plan

DCSPATF Executive Committee

DCSPATF Executive Committee Minutes